
Flower Essence – Unridden Equine


Unridden Equine Essence 30g

Supports connection between you and your horse and healing emotional and physical issues.

  • Equine herd essence – I meditated with the herd and the whole equine collective energy to create a unique, powerful extra dimensional healing energy to enhance the other essences.
  • Eases the transition into retirement, new homes or when work and routine changes.
  • Strengthens their immune system and supports horses with chronic illness, diarrhea, constipation, cramp and muscle spasms, lubricates joints, brings balance to horses who suffer frequent injuries.
  • Helps with feelings of disappointment if either the rider, or horse misses working.
  • Enhances animal communication and intuition between you both. The “Animal Communication Essence” works well alongside this to.
  • Good for rescue horses and when other horses are introduced, a heart healer. Helps horses to accept love and companionship without fear. Supports sick or injured horses.
  • Blue colour healing vibration balances the horses throat chakra helping allergies, respiratory issues and coughing.

A unique essence blend of Equine Herd Essence, Hornbeam, Walnut, Geranium, Wild Rose, Ice, Enhydro Quartz, Sea Mud, Seaweed and Sea Grass, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine.

Weight 90 g


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