
Flower Essence – Horse Support


Horse Support Essence 30ml

Supports your horse in many ways.

  • Herd Essence – is a powerful essence where the whole equine collective energy connected to add an extra dimension of healing energy.
  • Calming for hot headed horses.
  • Helps to settle fearful horses, Sarah found this helped with sheep fear.
  • Energetic exfoliant for worms, alongside your usual worming protocol.
  • Arthritis support. Loosens muscular stiffness and supports sacroiliac issues. Energetic Analgesic.
  • Clears energetic debris on a cellular and aura field level.
  • Energetically clears the spinal meridians and aids spinal realigning.
  • Balances left and right brain for a stabilizing effect.
  • Supports horses in a new home or yard change, new people, trouble settling in or difficulty adapting to different situations.
  • Food Issues such as over eating or refusal to eat, especially if they are grieving.
  • Uplifting and balancing and helps horses with a sluggish energy.
  • Helps if horses are putting on a brave face when suffering from any emotional or physical issues.
  • Supports foot sore equines. balancing their whole energy field and chakra system.
  • This essence resonates with the blue vibration in colour healing and aids in your horse communicating with you and balances their throat energy and respiratory system.

A unique essence blend of Equine Herd Essence, Teasel, Fossil, Dandelion, Honeysuckle, Sunflower, Blackberry Leaf. Kyanite.

Weight 90 g


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