
Flower Essence – Elderly Animal Support


Elderly Animal Essence 30ml

  • All round healing support for all animals helping them to cope with age related issues and slowing down.
  • Supports animals suffering from dementia helping them to relax, also a warming essence encouraging healthy, energetic circulation.
  • Supports animals with tendon issues (silica energy), ageing joints and their lubrication, and coping with hip dysplasia.
  • Helps animals cope with discomfort and is energetically pain relieving.
  • Antibacterial and immune support.
  • Supports a collapsed trachea alongside any treatment, and cysts.
  • Helps to heals the stomach, digestion, heart, skin and liver.
  • Flea deterrent.
  • Supports your animal through any chronic health issues.

A unique blend of essences of Opal, Cacti, Geranium, Mushroom, Buttercup, Amber, Amethyst, thyme.

Weight 90 g


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